You’ve probably noticed how wood flooring near a window eventually starts to fade, or how that couch that gets daily sunshine from the patio starts to lose its color. Even books and artwork fall victim to fading from the sun’s rays.

What Causes Fading?

UV Rays

Not only damaging to humans, UV Rays make up 40% of the causes of fading.

Through a chemical process, UV rays transform water molecules in furnishings into hydrogen peroxide, which has bleaching effects. Over time, this causes the colors to lighten.

UV-rejecting window films are highly beneficial because they can keep out over 99.9% of UV radiation, but that won’t stop your furniture from fading because UV rays aren’t the only reason.

Solar Energy

The warmth that comes from natural light is solar energy and it also makes the color of furniture fade away. It contributes to 25 percent of the overall process. By ensuring the window film you select has a high heat rejection, you can reduce this cause of fading.

Visible Light (Yes, Sunshine)

In most cases, you’d prefer that your window film offer minimal light control and more solar heat rejection. However, visible light makes up 25 percent of the fading process. By dropping the amount of visible light in the building, you can help reduce this cause of fading.

faded wood floorsWhat About the Remaining 10 Percent?

Let’s say you get the best UV-protection window film with amazing solar heat rejection and a darker tint to keep UV rays, visible light, and solar energy from entering. You still can’t completely eliminate other factors that cause fading, such as furniture quality, indoor lighting, and humidity.

The Realities of Preventing Fading

In the end, you want a home or building to be comfortable and inviting. With the alternative being to lock everything you cherish in a dark, dry, windowless room, some compromises are necessary. By focusing on reducing the 3 major causes of fading while considering your personal aesthetics and preferences, you’re sure to find a good balance.


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